Navigating Beginner Mycology Challenges and Cultivating Success

Navigating Beginner Mycology Challenges and Cultivating Success

Posted by The Mushroom Champ on Dec 26th 2023

Mushrooms have a way of changing perspectives.

Bradford, lead mycologist at The Mushroom Champ, started their journey into mycology with a psychedelic trip at 15. It was a catalyst that sparked an interest in cultivating these fungi at home.

Forums like Erowid and The Shroomery led Bradford to the Nook, a significant community hub for mushroom cultivation techniques, such as monotubs. The fascination with mycology persisted from youth through college, but it wasn’t until the challenges posed by COVID-19 that Bradord took the leap into establishing a full-time mycology business.

What’s the number one challenge faced in mycology?

Contamination is a persistent challenge. Especially as a novice.

“I’d run ten BFR cakes and have three or four that were good. And then out of those, maybe two actually fruited and they would produce five mushrooms. And I just thought I was the master at mycology and growing mushrooms.”

Over time, however, with learning and experience, Bradford’s rate of contamination has decreased significantly. However, contamination continues to be the number one challenge when dealing with fungi.

“We’re dealing with something that is microscopic and sterilization practices often aren’t fully understood.”

What is a good beginner-friendly mushroom strain?

Different mushrooms posed varying levels of difficulty in cultivation. Gourmet mushrooms such as Oysters and Lion’s Mane are among the easiest, psychoactive mushrooms such as Cubensis are also pretty manageable for a beginner.

Bradford is working on simplifying the process for other varieties, such as PN’s.

Our recommendations for creating your own substrates.

It is vital to understand the nuances or inputs, environmental conditions and the importance of high-quality ingredients. Each step, from assessing moisture levels to considering individual allergies or sensitivities, play a crucial role in successful cultivation.

Our All-in-One bags are for everyone, from novices just dipping their toes into the world of mycology to those scaling up for large-scale growth. Our All-in-One kits are closed systems which aim to streamline the process, minimize complications and produce high-quality yields.

What is the most important mindset to maintain while cultivating mushrooms?

Bradford emphasizes the importance of recognizing optimal growth stages and the importance of minimal interference. Neglect is sometimes best. Allowing mushrooms to thrive without unnecessary disturbance often yields better results.

“Most people like to pick up what they’re working on and look at it, and I say every time that you do that you’re causing the mycelium to go through an earthquake essentially which is going to hinder the pin set and possibly make things abort because not all cultures are created equal.”

Where can I learn more from The Mushroom Champ?

We have a passion for mycology and a commitment to sharing knowledge and building a supporting community. Join our Patreon and Discord where experiences, failures and successes in mycology can be shared and celebrated!

For the full video on Bradford’s journey as a beginner mycologist, sign up for our Patreon